I’m Hiromi Tanabe. I'm 18 years old, and I have been living in Osaka for 18 years. I’m good at cooking takoyaki. My hobbies are tennis, piano and movies. I like Ellie Goulding. I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Japan. I also want to know China and America. にほんにきたときは、なにをたべましたか?
Thanks for your comment on the blog very much! It's my first time to communicate with a Japanese with Japanese. Never mind to point out any error you see in my Japanese. Thanks!
You mentioned that piano is one of your hobbies, that sounds great. Does it mean you practiced piano for a period of time? I also tried some music instruments by myself, but it turned out that it's pretty hard to continue without any guidance.
せんこうは でんきこうがくですか。
回复删除That sounds difficult b( ̄ロ ̄)d
Comparing with physics (what I'm really doing here), I miss electrical engineering.
I’m Hiromi Tanabe. I'm 18 years old, and I have been living in Osaka for 18 years. I’m good at cooking takoyaki. My hobbies are tennis, piano and movies. I like Ellie Goulding.
回复删除I'm glad to hear that you are interested in Japan. I also want to know China and America.
その大部分のラーメンは美味しかったですが、少数は… (+_+|||
Thanks for your comment on the blog very much! It's my first time to communicate with a Japanese with Japanese. Never mind to point out any error you see in my Japanese. Thanks!
You mentioned that piano is one of your hobbies, that sounds great. Does it mean you practiced piano for a period of time? I also tried some music instruments by myself, but it turned out that it's pretty hard to continue without any guidance.